

Your gift to 安德里安高中 will support 59ers as they transform the world through faith, 学习, 领导, 和服务. Every dollar you give is directed toward the Andrean tradition of excellence, 有很多方法可以给安德里安高中做礼物.



Gifts of any kind may be directed to an existing endowment or the creation of a new endowment to support 安德里安高中.





现金 is one of the easiest ways to make a charitable contribution. A cash contribution can be a check, money order or cashier’s check. 请将捐款邮寄或交至:





You can make a donation to Andrean with any major credit via our online donation form. 网上制作礼物很快, 容易, and secure; backed by Blackbaud Merchant Services, a Level 1 PCI service provider and payment gateway that meets the industry’s toughest data security standards.





增加你的影响力,成为每月的捐赠者! 你可能无法一次性捐出一大笔钱, 但是想象一下,如果你每个月给适量的钱. 你每月50美元的礼物变成了每年600美元. 或者每月100美元加起来是1200美元.






实物礼物是指提供商品或服务, 比如物品, 产品, or services such as skilled labor or professional consultations performed without fees. 实物礼物对安德烈来说扮演着重要的角色, allowing us to redirect the dollars that would have been spent on the donated item or service toward other vital needs of the school. 实物礼物也可以免税!





Your employer may enhance your support of 安德里安高中 with a matching gift. Contact your Human Resources department to ask if your company matches your charitable contributions and whether or not additional paperwork is required.




安得烈高中接受有价证券的礼物. 的 securities may be given so that the donor receives a tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the donated assets while avoiding capital gains tax on the donated assets. 安德里安高中 will work with you to facilitate the donation of both marketable and closely held securities.




If you are over the age of 70 1/2, you must take a required minimum distribution from your IRA. 通常情况下,这种分配按普通收入征税. 然而, federal legislation currently allows you to make a direct distribution from your IRA to a qualified charity, 比如威廉希尔中文. 这样的分布, 但不需缴纳所得税, will still count toward fulfilling your required minimum distribution.




Life insurance is an 容易 way to make a significant contribution. 您可以提供不再需要的保单, 买一份新保险, or name 安德里安高中 as a beneficiary of an existing policy. Direct the proceeds, cash value of policy, or any portion of it to benefit 安德里安高中.




安德里安高中 may be designated as the beneficiary under a donor's qualified retirement plan benefits, 包括ira, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 和Keogh (HR-10)计划. Retirement benefits may be the most tax efficient way to make a gift to 安德里安高中.


Donations made in honor of a person can be used to celebrate a birthday, 一个纪念日, 母亲节或父亲节, 或者作为一份独特的圣诞礼物. 的y can also mark a graduation, birth, or any special occasion. 当你做出这样的捐赠, simply indicate that you are making the donation “In Honor of” someone. You will receive a special card to notify your honoree with your donation acknowledgement letter.




Making a donation in memory of someone special reflects your desire to make a lasting impact on the lives of others. You may also include the desire for memorial gifts to be made in your name as part of your final plans. 在收到纪念捐款后, an acknowledgement letter with a tax receipt will be sent to donors and an acknowledgement and summary of memorial gifts will be sent to the family or designated party. 没有个人礼物
amounts will be disclosed to the family unless requested by the donor. Should you wish to include information in an obituary for memorial gifts to 安德里安高中, 你可以使用以下措辞:


In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to 安德里安高中, in memory of [individual’s name]. Checks may be made payable to: 安德里安高中 and mailed to 百老汇5959号, Merrillville, 在46410或在网上 http://lengyileng.com/make-a-gift/.




Create two legacies with an engraved brick in our Marian 石窟: one in everlasting memoriam of a loved one, 你的课还是你的生意, and the second through funding of tuition scholarships for 安德里安高中 students.


$100 - 4×8个性化砖 

$2500 -个性化的长凳



活动参与 & 赞助

Attending or volunteering at any Andrean event is an 容易 and fun way to show your support for the school.  的re are sponsorship opportunities available for each of these events as well. 详情请联络发展办公室.


Andrean养老作为安德里安基金会正式运作. Gifts of any kind may be directed to an existing endowment or the creation of a new endowment to support 安德里安高中. Current endowments for 安德里安高中 exist at many of the local community foundations as well as the Catholic Foundation for Northwest Indiana. 请与 发展办公室 有关捐赠礼物的更多信息.



A bequest in your will is one of the simplest ways to make a legacy gift. You can specify an amount or percentage from your estate to be directed to 安德里安高中. 遗赠语言样本:



我给, 设计, 并遗赠给威廉希尔中文, the sum of $_____ (or percentage or a description of the specific asset), for the benefit of 安德里安高中 and its general purposes.



我给, 设计, 并遗赠给威廉希尔中文, the sum of $_____ (or percentage or a description of the specific asset), 为了部门的利益, 团队, 或您选择的俱乐部),没有进一步的限制.



我给, 设计, 并遗赠给威廉希尔中文, the sum of $_____ (or percentage or a description of the specific asset), 为了部门的利益, 团队, 或您所选择的俱乐部)的支持 ____________________.


Please work with your legal counsel and the Development Department of Andrean High to craft language that best describes your desired intent.

** As of January 1, 2021, 10% of all sport specific donations will go to a unified 体育运动 Fund. This fund helps provide equal opportunities for boys and girls sports and all Andrean 团队s. 

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